Cute Crochet Dresses for Baby Girls

The new born babies are so delicate and soft that we have to take care of their clothes and shoes too, they must not be very hard or rough or they could harm the skin of the new born babies. Specifically talking about some appropriate dresses for the baby girls, I think the knitted or crocheted dresses are the best alternate of the branded clothes that we buy against hundreds of bucks and still we are not completely satisfied. We have brought here some cute crochet dresses for baby girls that are so adorable, I am sure the ladies would love them.


We are starting with a typically traditional dress for the baby girl that is a baby girl frock that is since long being made by the grand mothers and mothers as well for the new born babies. Pure white is the best base shade as it enhances all other shades we apply on it. Plus to add some more embellishments we have used this silken string to tie up, this silken string is meant for the fitting purposes. A couple of pink flowers are added on the frontal line to make it more charming and fascinating.

While this one is a sort of casual dress relatively having a vest inspired design on it. That is why we have used such shades of threads that really look nice together. Like the combination of the white and orange could be a bit unique yet they look really pretty together. The frontal brooch made with the white thread is also knitted, and we have discussed in detail the procedure of knitting such decorative flowers in some of the previous articles. Look at the frill and stretch of the dress, it would comfort the baby girl due to the soft and warm thread of crochet.

Wow, this is a much traditional sort of dress where not only the frocks are prepared but this is a sort of whole set for the newly born baby girls. Seems like it is made for the twins. Very simple stitch pattern is demonstrated and applied over here in the frocks, while the caps are made using the double stitch pattern and then an additional brooch is also added. Slim silken frill is added again for the same fitting purpose. It has got more typical and traditional shades so make up your mind before giving it a try.

And this is something really classy. We have used the pure pistachio shade that is really loved by the baby girls and mostly the ladies. This was so damn famous in the time of renaissance as the literature tells about it. So to render it a perfectly classic look we have also planned an appropriate hat matching with the frock, so we have applied again the same color combination as of the frock here again. Same flowers and brooches are made here again in the cap too. The falling border is mostly knitted with single stitch pattern technique.

Again this one is apparently inspired from the vest style. It is mainly knitted with two basic threads. That are white and green mainly, plus another lighter shade is also introduced in the border lining of the crocheted baby girl frock. The brooch here is totally different like it is not at all the crocheted one, but it is made with some other material mainly consisting of the silk material. This contrasting brooch has given it a strangely unique touch, while the green leaves have rendered it the most natural shape and looks, this can be used casually.

And here comes something very stylish and worth consideration like although it is made with something pretty typical, yet the design it holds isn’t typical at all. Infact this can be named as something massively stylish and fascinating. The curved border of the frock and the brooch on the back, plus the opened sleeves from the ends with contrasting threads, all of these are the different dimensions of the knitting or crochet work. And the best thing about this frock is the base thread that is pink and is mostly loved by the baby girls, so this is going to be a hot cake for them.

Awwww…. Again we have got something simply cute and adorable. I am literally in love with the accessories that are made for the newly born kids, infact I am obsessed with their cuteness and beauty because they look pure and innocent. That is why I really adore all of their accessories. Same is the case with this crocheted frock mainly knitted with the turquoise shade which is obviously again a very girlish color and is very famous among them. To avoid the typical look we have given a slight touch of the white thread too and I think together they have really done a great job.

This crochet thing or knitting isn’t that simple at all but this is a whole different field of art with all of its basic skills and dimensions. Mastering the crochet takes years if not the decades. The thing that matters the most here is your own intelligence and creativity. If you have got the real appetite for this art you can learn 9it like in a couple of weeks time, but to excel you certainly have to do a lot of work and a lot of projects too.

And this one is so damn cute, I really want it for my baby doll. She would just look like an angel in it. We have used here the most shocking thread that is deep red, and to neutralize the effect a bit we have mixed it with the bit of the white thread border work. Despite of such a small share the white has become so damn prominent in the frock. The petty coat is following the single stitch, while the lower bordering area is executed with double tilted back stitch pattern. This isn’t that much time consuming at all.

Now this is something that could be called a bit tricky and confusing as we have merged here two different shades of green together in such a cunning and skillful manner that this would be a challenge for the beginners and the amateur crafters. Infact the other one is not the shade of green rather this is light mustard which is another charmer especially when working on kids dresses. Same vest inspired style with a string on the neck to tie up, more or less the same regular stitch pattern is also applied here again with some slighter modifications.

And this is even trickier. I guess all the mentors and skillful ladies out there reading this article really understand what exactly I am talking about. Like this is just your cup of tea, the learners are advised to stay away from such harder tasks. Double turn circle stitch is applied in the upper petty coat, while all the lower frills are made with the single round tilted stitch pattern. Very little and cute flowers are made with a contrasting thread that are enhancing the look and prominence of the embellishments. This would be even lighter among the rest as very little amount of thread is used in the lower layers.

As we said earlier that this all takes your genius and innovation to make the crocheted things look even better. This is something established that most of the times we don’t seem to be totally happy with the projects where mere knitted stuff is applied. This is always a very smart choice to add such embellishments and supportive material that literally escalates the beauty of such ordinarily artistic materials. That is why we have frequently used these silken frills for the fitting string in most of our frocks.

You can simply compare this crocheted baby girl’s frock with any expensive and branded dress that you would buy from the market against a considerable amount. I think it is far better than them because it has got everything that makes it an ideal outfit for the newly born angels. Just two basic thread shades are applied throughout the project, simple single and double stitch pattern is applied on different portions. The frontal brooch is so damn cute, and again we have taken help from a silken strip. This is equally good for casual and formal occasions so this is a sort of must have.

Ohh, I was really thinking about this, these cute little booties. I thought that we have made a couple of frocks carrying the matching hats and caps, so I was literally missing these little booties so badly deep inside my heart. So here they are, and I guess one of the best pair of booties is here. The front of the baby boots is actually matched with the frontal brooches of the frock which is again a very artistically creative approach. Seems like it is designed by some renowned designer. Try it and enjoy the brand’s taste literally.

How much you like this white belt in the frock? I guess it is the most prominent part of the baby girl’s frock, the buttons studded on the belt are obtained from the market that are so cheap cost wise and also very easily available everywhere. One more thing that we have added for the embellishment is the little flowers that are attached on the top left of the frock. One more thing that is pretty charming and must not be neglected is the base thread that is purple, this shade is adored by all the girls especially the baby girls.

While this one is a very simple frock, again very famous and widely used thread shade is applied here but again that is not the mere single shade, we actually have used two different shades of the pink, one among them is a lighter one and the other is dark. Same single stitch pattern is applied to the upper petti coat area, while the lower frills of the frock are following the complicated double stitch pattern. Again the slim tiny string of silken patch is applied here to bring about some change. And eventually this has turned to be very smart baby’s dress that would literally be appreciated and adored by all.

The reason behind all of these baby dress inspirations was to render you ladies a glimpse inside the crocheted projects that what exactly could be done with these ordinary looking crochet hooks. This all starts with a smart idea or an inspiration that can compel you to work in such a refined manner. Just for instance, consider this beautiful white frock with pink little embellishments or brooches, this awesome piece of dress is all creation of the same craft that is the main theme of this platform called crochet.