Crochet Purses Made by Rosalina Lee


Whenever I talk about some accessories that complement the preparations and appearance of the ladies, I always get a massive feedback. Like they are always there surfing and subscribing the ideas related to all this. So this always encourages me a lot and renders me a strange happiness that cannot be expressed in words at all. Today I have compiled a list of the crocheted purses for ladies that especially made by the renowned crafter Rosalina Lee, I am sure many of you would have heard of her if you are a regular surfer of the crochet ideas on internet.


The very first creation, a lavish and incredible piece of crochet ladies bag we see right here in front of us. Don’t tell me that despite of seeing a lot of such patterns you are still confused in the technicalities. Only one shaded thread is used here, so better try it at your own.
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Here again we have got a very nice and impressive clutch that is made out of the multiple shaded threads and also allows a lot of space where the adorable ladies can stuff inside a lot of stuff. Also a couple of embellishments are added to enhance the beauty of the clutch.
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I think Rosalina is very much inspired from one shaded crochet ideas, as here again she has opted for a very incredible thread shade that is so multi dimensional that it could be carried almost along all the dresses you carry.

Although the metallic part of all purses is reclaimed from the old and broken purses, but rest of the work is done with the crochet. Plus these colorful tiny embellishments are also added to complement the beauty of the crocheted bag. I think all of these purses ideas are so incredible that they must be given a try.

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Purchase Inquiry / Created & Shared by: RosalinaLee